What Your DUI Conviction Could Mean if You Work for a School

A DUI conviction hits first offenders the most in our experience. In fact, the reality might strike you as surreal. Be prepared, and especially so if you work for a school. Some positions won’t be affected by a DUI conviction, but that’s not true for anyone who works for a school. If you don’t know what your DUI conviction could mean if you work for a school, the DUI attorneys at Mazzoni Valvano Szewczyk & Karam can explain.
What School Officials Can Be Affected by a DUI Conviction?
Each state handles drunk driving or drugged driving convictions differently. In Pennsylvania, a DUI conviction represents a big deal for anyone working within a school system. According to the Department of Education, Pennsylvania has 500 public school districts. If you’re employed by a public school, a charter school, or a private school, you should know the repercussions of a DUI conviction.
To be clear, it isn’t just teachers that need to be concerned. Some other examples of school personnel who could find their employment jeopardized by a DUI conviction include:
- Substitute teachers and other staff members
- Student teachers
- Bus drivers
- Janitors
- Cafeteria workers
- Independent contractors
- Coaches
- School secretaries and clerical staff
What Happens to School Officials After a DUI Conviction?
First things first. If you are operating a school bus or school vehicle, the threshold for driving after imbibing alcohol is even lower than for other drunk driving charges. According to Chapter 38, Section 3802(f) of the Pennsylvania Statutes, you face restrictions as far as driving, operating, or being in control of the movement of such vehicles. More particularly, your blood alcohol content (BAC) level cannot be 0.02% or greater within two hours after any of those activities.
The law doesn’t just rely on BAC levels. You can also face charges solely based on the fact that you imbibed a sufficient amount of alcohol that made you incapable of driving, operating, or being in physical control. Of course, there’s also the issue of using controlled, dangerous substances.
DUI Conviction for School Personnel
Notably, DUI convictions impact both existing and prospective school employees. You may be familiar with the term “Good moral character” or GMC as it applies to anyone who works within the education field. In fact, the statute calls for every professional employee certified or permitted to work in the schools to be of good moral character.
As you may or may not know, the GMC review is based on an application process. Among the considerations are whether you were arrested, charged, or convicted. Of course, this goes for any type of offense.
With the exception of summary offenses, such as disorderly persons or underage drinking, all crimes become part of the review. A DUI conviction represents a misdemeanor and therefore becomes part of the application process.
The Importance of Your Rehabilitation Efforts
In the meantime, there are also concerns about your rehabilitation efforts. If applicable, you will be expected to supply information about the completion of an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program (ARD). Also, you should reveal any information that shows you participated in either court-appointed or voluntary treatment for alcohol or drug abuse.
Do Not Try to Hide Your DUI Arrest or Conviction
Under no circumstances should you attempt to hide your DUI arrest or conviction. Without question, your employer will find it. It is your legal obligation to report it – even if it causes you to face embarrassment.
Generally speaking, it’s the district superintendent of schools who makes decisions when it comes to the status of your employment. An experienced DUI attorney can both help you as far as fighting charges and assist you in negotiating the ineligibility period as far as your job.
The bottom line is that it is up to the school to make decisions regarding your employment, discipline, or termination after a DUI conviction. This is in addition to any statutory requirements as far as an automatic period of ineligibility.
Contact the DUI Attorneys at MVSK Law as Soon as Possible
The best way to avoid a DUI conviction after being charged is to contact the experienced DUI attorneys at Mazzoni Valvano Szewczyk & Karam. Many people can’t afford what a conviction will do to their teaching careers. You can avoid this by fighting the conviction in court and our attorneys have the experience and knowledge to help you do that. But don’t delay. Every minute matters. Give us a call to see how we can help you.